Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/99

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“Know, beyond Ireland, in the briny flood,
“An island, amid many others, lies;
“Ebuda is its name; whose people rude
“(Such is their law), in search of plunder hies;
“And all the women that it takes, for food
“To a voracious animal supplies;
“Which every day to shore for this does speed,
“And finds new wife or maid whereon to feed:


“For of these merchant still and Corsair sell
“A large supply, and most of those most fair.
“Reckoning one slain a-day, you thus may well
“Compute what wives and maids have perished there.
“But if compassion in your bosom dwell,
“Nor you to Love an utter rebel are,
“Be you contented with this band to wend,
“United for such profitable end.”


To hear the whole Orlando scarce could bear,
Ere to be first in that emprize he swore[2],
As one who evil deed misliked to hear,
And with impatience like relation bore:
Hence first induced to think, and next to fear,
Angelica is captive on that shore:
Since he so long the missing maid pursues,
Nor of the damsel yet can gather news.