Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/111

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“What for his safety could be done, behold,
“Short of my own destruction, has been tried.
“Six towns I had in Flanders: these I sold,
“And (great or small the produce put aside)
“A part of it, to wily persons told,
“That it to tempt his guards might be applied;
“The rest of it dispensed to move and arm
“Germans or English, to the miscreant’s harm.


“My agents, whether they their trust betrayed,
“Or that they could in truth perform no more,
“Me with vain words instead of help have paid,
“And scorn me, having drained my scanty store:
“And now the term is nigh expired, when aid,
“Whether of open force or treasured ore,
“No longer will arrive in time to save
“My cherished spouse from torture and the grave.


“Through him, from me was my dominion rent;
“Through him, my father and my brethren slain;
“Through him, the little treasure left me, spent
“(What served alone existence to sustain)
“To rescue him, in cruel durance pent;
“Nor other means to succour him remain;
“Save I, to liberate him from prison, go
“And yield myself to such a cruel foe.