Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/112

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“If nothing more be left me then to try,
“Nor other way for his escape appear,
“Than his with this my wretched life to buy,
“This life I gladly will lay down: one fear
“Alone molests me; and it is that I
“Can never my conditions make so clear,
“As to assure me, that with new deceit,
“Me, when his prey, the tyrant will not cheat.


“I fear, when I shall be in captive plight,
“And he has put all tortures upon me,
“He may not loose Bireno, and the knight
“Have not to thank me for his liberty:
“Like perjured king, and full of foul despite,
“Who with my murder will not satiate be;
“But by Bireno neither less nor more
“Will do, than he had done by me before.


“The occasion now that I confer with you,
“And tell my case to all who seek the land,
“Both lords and knights, is with the single view,
“That taking counsel of so large a band,
“Some one may indicate assurance due,
“That when before the cruel king I stand,
“No longer he Bireno shall detain;
“Nor, after I am killed, the duke be slain.