Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/113

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“Warrior to wend with me, I in my need,
“When I shall be to Friesland given, have prayed;
“But so he promise, that the exchange agreed
“Shall be between us in such manner made,
“That from his bonds Bireno shall be freed
“When I am to the monarch’s hands conveyed:
“Thus I, when I am slain, shall die content,
“Who to my spouse shall life by death have lent:


“Nor to this day have chanced upon a wight
“Who on his faith will give me warranty,
“That if the king refuse to loose the knight,
“When I am offered, from captivity,
“He will not suffer that in my despite
“(So feared those weapons!) I shall taken be.
“So feared those weapons, upon every hand!
“Which, howsoever thick, no plates withstand.


“Now, if as strong Herculean port and bold
“Appear to vouch, such worth to you belong;
“And you believe to give me or withhold
“Is in your power, should he intend me wrong;
“Be with me, when committed to his hold,
“Since I shall fear not, in your convoy strong,
“When you are with me, that my lord, though I
“Be after slain, shall by his order die.”