Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/115

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Armed at all points, the county passed ashore,
Borne on a horse ’twixt brown and black, the breed
Of Denmark, but in Flanders nurtured, more
Esteemed for weight and puissance than for speed:
For when the paladin embarked before,
In Brittany he left the gallant steed,
His Brigliador; so nimble and so fair,
That but Bayardo could with him compare.


Orlando fares to Dordrecht, where he views
A numerous squadron, which the gate maintain;
As well, because suspicion still ensues
On the foundation of a new domain;
As that before they had received the news,
That out of Zealand, backed with armed train,
Was coming with a fleet of many sail,
A cousin of the lord here pent in jail.


One, good Orlando to the monarch’s ear
Bade bear a message, ‘that an errant knight
‘On him would prove himself, with sword and spear;
‘But would lay down this pact before the fight:—
‘That if the king unhorsed the cavalier,
‘Her who Arbantes slew, he, as his right,
‘Should have, that, at the cavalier’s command,
‘Was ready for delivery to his hand;