Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/116

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‘And willed the king should on his side agree,
‘If him the knight in combat overbore,
‘Forthwith released from his captivity,
‘Bireno to full freedom to restore.’
To him the footman does his embassy;
But he, who knightly worth or courteous lore
Had never known, directs his whole intent
The count by treacherous fraud to circumvent.


He hopes as well, if he the warrior slay,
To have the dame, whom, so aggrieved, he hates,
If in the knight’s disposal, and the say
Of that strange knight, the footman well relates.
Hence thirty men dispatched by other way
Than to the portal led, where Roland waits;
Who with a long and privy circuit wind,
And come upon the paladin behind.


He all this while had made his guard delay
The knight with words, till horse and foot he spied
Arrived, where he this ambuscade did lay;
When from the gate he with as many hied:
As is the practised hunter’s wonted way,
To circle wood and beasts on every side:
As nigh Volana, with his sweeping nets,
The wary fisher fish and pool besets[9].