Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/164

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“The valiant Raymond, Earl of Devon, bears
“The hawk, which spreads her wings above her nest;
“While or and sable he of Worcester wears:
“Derby ’s a dog, a bear is Oxford’s crest.
“There, as his badge, a cross of chrystal rears
“Bath’s wealthy prelate, camped among the rest.
“The broken seat on dusky field, next scan,
“Of Somerset’s good duke, Sir Ariman.


“Forty-two thousand muster in array,
“The men at arms and mounted archers there[23].
“By a hundred I misreckon not, or they,
“The fighting footmen, twice as many are.
“Those ensigns yellow, brown, and green, survey,
“And that striped blue and black. The foot repair
“Each to his separate flag where these are spread;
“By Godfrey, Henry, Hermant, Edward, led.


“The first is the Duke of Buckingham; and he,
“The next, is Henry, Earl of Salisbury;
“Old Hermant Aberga’nny holds in fee,
“That Edward is the Earl of Shrewsbury.
“In those who yonder lodge, the English see
“Camped eastward; and now westward turn your eye,
“Where you shall thirty thousand Scots, a crew
“Led by their monarch’s son, Zerbino, view.