Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/165

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“The lion ’twixt two unicorns behold
“Upon the standard of the Scottish king!
“Which has a sword of silver in its hold.
“There camps his son: of all his following
“Is none so beauteous: nature broke the mould
“In which she cast him, after fashioning
“Her work: Is none in whom such chivalry
“And valour shines. The Duke of Rothsay he[24]!


“Behold the Earl of Huntley’s flag display
“Upon an azure field a gilded bar:
“In that a leopard in the toils survey,
“The bearing of the noble Duke of Mar[25].
“With many birds, and many colours gay,
“See Alcabrun’s, a valiant man in war;
“Who neither duke, nor count, nor marquis hight,
“Is in his savage country first of right[26].


“The Duke of Strathforth[27] shows the bird, who strains
“His daring eyes to keep the sun in view;
“The Earl Lurcanio, that in Angus reigns,
“A bull, whose flanks are torn by deerhounds two.
“See there the Duke of Albany, who stains
“His ensign’s field with colours white and blue.
“The Earl of Buchan next his banner bears,
“In which a dragon vert a vulture tears.