Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/98

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The paladin this bank and the other eyed,
Along the river’s channel, to explore,
Since neither fish nor fowl, if from his side
He could gain footing on the adverse shore;
When, with a damsel in the poop, he spied
A ready pinnace that towards him bore:
She steered, as if she would approach the strand;
But would not let her shallop make the land.


Steered not to land; as haply with suspicion
To take a lading, in her own despite.
To her the good Orlando made petition
To put him o’er the stream; and she: “No knight
“Passes this ferry, but upon condition
“He shall his faith and promise duly plight
“That he will do a battle, at my prayer,
“Upon the justest quarrel and most fair.


“So that if thou on the other shore to land
“Dost by my aid, Sir cavalier, desire,
“Promise me, ere the month which is at hand”
(The damsel so pursued her speech) “expire,
“That thou wilt join the Hibernian monarch’s band,
“Who forms a fair armada, in his ire,
“To sack Ebuda’s isle; of all compress’d
“By ocean’s circling waves, the cruellest.