Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/119

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Scouring at large broad ocean, with a guide
So faithful and secure, the cavalier
Questions Andronica, if from that side
Named from the westering sun, of this our sphere,
Bark, which with oars or canvas stemmed the tide,
On eastern sea was wonted to appear;
—And could a wight, who loosed from Indian strand,
Reach France or Britain, without touching land.


Andronica to England’s duke replies:
“Know that this earth is girt about with seas,
“And all to one another yield supplies,
“Whether the circling waters boil or freeze:
“But, since the Æthiops’ land before us lies,
“Extending southward many long degrees,
“Across his waters, some one has supposed
“A barrier here to Neptune interposed.


“Hence bark from this Levant of Ind is none
“Which weighs, to shape her course for Europe’s shore;
“Nor navigates from Europe any one,
“Our Oriental regions to explore;
“Fain to retrace alike the course begun
“By the mid land, extending wide before:
“Weening (its limits of such length appear)
“That it must join another hemisphere.