Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/120

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“But in the course of circling years I view
“From farthest lands which catch the western ray,
“New Argonauts put forth, and Tiphys new
“Opening, till now an undiscovered way.
“Others I see coast Afric, and pursue
“So far the negroes’ burning shore, that they
“Pass the far sign, from whence, on his return,
“The sun moves hither, leaving Capricorn[4];


“And find the limit of this length of land,
“Which makes a single sea appear as two;
“Who, scouring in their frigates every strand,
“Pass Ind and Arab isles, or Persian through:
“Others I see who leave, on either hand,
“The banks, which stout Alcides cleft in two,
“And in the manner of the circling sun,
“To seek new lands and new creations run.


“The imperial flags and holy cross I know,
“Fixed on the verdant shore; see some upon
“The shattered barks keep guard, and others go
“A-field, by whom new countries will be won;
“Ten chase a thousand of the flying foe,
“Realms beyond Ind subdued by Arragon;
“And see all, wheresoe’er the warriors wend,
“To the fifth Charles’ triumphant captains bend.