Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/121

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“That this way should be hidden was God’s will
“Of old, and ere ’twas known long time should run;
“Nor will he suffer its discovery, till
“The sixth and seventh century be done.
“And he delays his purpose to fulfil,
“In that he would subject the world to one,
“The justest and most fraught with prudent lore
“Of emperors, since Augustus, or before.


“Of Arragon and Austria’s blood I see
“On the left bank of Rhine a monarch bred;
“No sovereign is so famed in history,
“Of all whose goodly deeds are heard or read.
“Astræa reïnthroned by him will be,—
“Rather restored to life, long seeming dead;
“And Virtues with her into exile sent,
“By him shall be recalled from banishment[5].


“For such desert, Heaven’s bounty not alone
“Designs he should the imperial garland bear,—
“Augustus’, Trajan’s, Mark’s, Severus’, crown;
“But that of every farthest land should wear,
“Which here and there extends, as yet unknown,
“Yielding no passage to the sun and year;
“And wills that in his time Christ’s scattered sheep
“Should be one flock, beneath one Shepherd’s keep.