Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/123

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“As with these captains, where the way by land
“Is free, he spreads the ancient empire’s sway,
“So on the sea, which severs Europe’s strand
“From Afric, open to the southern day,
“When with good Doria linked in friendly band,
“Victorious he shall prove in every fray.
“This is that Andrew Doria who will sweep
“From pirates, on all sides, your midland deep.


“Pompey, though he chased rovers everywhere,
“Was not his peer; for ill the thievish brood
“Vanquished by him, in puissance, could compare
“With the most mighty realm that ever stood.
“But Doria singly will of the corsair
“With his own forces purge the briny flood:
“So that I see each continent and isle
“Quake at his name, from Calpe to the Nile.


“Beneath the faith, beneath the warrantry
“Of the redoubted chief, of whom I say,
“I see Charles enter fertile Italy,
“To which this captain clears the monarch’s way;
“But on his country, not himself, that fee
“Shall he bestow, which is his labours’ pay;
“And beg her freedom, where himself perchance
“Another would to sovereign rule advance[8].