Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/124

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“The pious love he bears his native land
“Honours him more than any battle’s gain
“Which Julius ever won on Afric’s strand,
“Or in thine isle[9], France, Thessaly, or Spain.
“Nor great Octavius does more praise command,
“Nor Anthony who jousted for the reign,
“With equal arms: in that the wrong outweighs
“—Done to their native land—their every praise.


“Let these, and every other wight who tries
“To subject a free country, blush for shame,
“Nor dare in face of man to lift his eyes,
“Where he hears Andrew Doria’s honoured name!
“To him I see Charles other meed supplies;
“For he beside his leaders’ common claim,
“Bestows upon the chief the sumptuous state,
“Whence Norman bands their power in Puglia date[10].


“Not only to this captain courtesy
“Shall Charles display, still liberal of his store;
“But to all those who for the empery
“In his emprizes have not spared their gore.
“Him to bestow a town,—a realm—I see,
“Upon a faithful friend, rejoicing more,
“And on all such as have good service done,
“Than in new kingdom and new empire won.”