Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/127

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A hermit in the poop the bark did guide
With snowy beard descending to mid breast;
Who when from far the Paladin he spied,
Him to ascend his ready pinnace prest.
“My son, unless thou loathest life, (he cried)
“And wouldst that Death to-day thy course arrest,
“Content thee in my bark to cross the water;
“For yonder path conducts thee straight to slaughter.


“Within six miles, no further, shalt thou light
(Pursued the hermit) “on the bloody seat,
“Where dwells a giant, horrible to sight,
“Exceeding every stature by eight feet.
“From him wayfaring man or errant knight
“Would vainly hope with life to make retreat;
“For some the felon quarters, some he flays,
“And some he swallows quick, and some he slays[15].


“He, ’mid the cruel horrors he intends,
“Takes pleasure in a net, by cunning hands
“Contrived, which near his mansion he extends;
“So well concealed beneath the crumbling sands,
“That whoso uninstructed thither wends,
“Nought of the subtle mischief understands;
“And so the giant scares him with his cries,
“That he within the toils in terror flies;