Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/128

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“Whom with loud laughter, to his seat hard by
“He drags along, enveloped in his snare;
“And knight and damsel views with equal eye,
“And for his prisoners’ worth has little care.
“Then, having sucked their brains and life-blood dry,
“Casts forth their bones upon the desert lair;
“And round about his griesly palace pins,
“For horrid ornament, their bloody skins.


“Take this,—my son, oh! take this other way,
“Which thee will to the sea in safety guide.”
“I thank thee, holy father, for thy say,
(To him the fearless cavalier replied)
“But cannot peril against honour weigh,
“Far dearer than my life. To the other side
“Me vainly dost thou move to pass the wave;
“Rather for this I seek the giant’s cave.


“I with dishonour life to flight may owe;
“But worse than death loath thus to save my head.
“The worst that can befall me if I go,
“Is I my blood shall with the others shed:
“But if on me such mercy God bestow,
“That I remain alive, the giant dead,
“Secure for thousands shall I make the ways;
“So that the greater good the risque o’erpays.