Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/165

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“But Fortune, by her double bounty, shows
“She guards me more than thou: me to convey
“She sent my brother here, who with me goes,
“My honour safe in his protecting stay;
“And this encounter with thee now bestows,
“Which I above all other blessings weigh,
“And in good time; for hadst thou longer stayed,
“My lord, I should have died of hope delayed.”


The wicked woman, full of subtlety
(Worse than a fox in crafty hardihood)
Pursues, and so well shapes her history,
She wholly throws the blame on Gryphon good;
Makes him believe that other not to be
Her kin alone, but of her flesh and blood,
Got by one father;—and so puts upon
The knight, that he less credits Luke and John.


Nor he the fraud of her, more false than fair,
Only forbore with just reproach to pay;
Nor only did the threatened stranger spare,
Who was the lover of that lady gay;
But deemed to excuse himself sufficient were,
Turning some portion of the blame away;
And as the real brother she profest,
Unceasingly the lady’s knight carest;