Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/166

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And to Damascus, with the cavalier
Returned, who to Sir Gryphon made report,
‘That Syria’s wealthy king, with sumptuous cheer,
‘Within that place would hold a splendid court;
‘And who, baptized or infidel, appear
‘There at his tourney (of whatever sort),
‘Within the city and without, assures
‘From wrong, for all the time the feast endures.’


Yet I of Origilla’s treachery
Shall not so steadfastly pursue the lore,
Who, famed not for one single perfidy,
Thousands and thousands had betrayed before,
But that I will return again to see
Two hundred thousand wretched men or more
Burnt by the raging wild-fire, where they spread,
About the walls of Paris, scathe and dread.


I left you where king Agramant prepared
To storm a gate, and to the assault was gone:
This he had hoped to find without a guard;
And work elsewhere to bar the way was none.
For there, in person, Charles kept watch and ward
With many, practised warriors every one;
Two Angelines, two Guidos, Angelier,
Avino, Avolio, Otho, and Berlinghier.