Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/28

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“As soon as thou (pursued the dame) art near
“The place where he has built the magic seat,
“Resembling thy Rogero in his cheer
“And every look, Atlantes thee shall meet,
“And make himself by his ill art appear
“As suffering from some stronger arm defeat;
“That thou may’st aid him in the peril feigned,
“And thus among those others be detained.


“To the end thou may’st escape his ambush, where
“So many and so many, thus betrayed,
“Have fallen; though he Rogero seem, beware
“To lend him faith, who will demand thine aid:
“Nor, when the sage presents himself, forbear
“To take his worthless life with lifted blade.
“Nor think to slay Rogero with the blow,
“But him who works thee still such cruel woe.


“Hard will it seem to slay, full well I know,
“The wight, in whom Rogero you descry;
“But, for truth is not in the lying show,
“Trust not to sight where magic blears the eye.
“Fix, ere with me you to the forest go,
“To change not when the traiterous foe is nigh:
“For never shall with you Rogero wive,
“If weakly you the wizard leave alive.”