Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/29

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The valorous maid with the intent to slay
The false enchanter, on her plan decides,
Snatches her arms, and follows on her way
Melissa sage, in whom she so confides.
And thus, by fruitful field or forest gray,
Her by forced journeys that enchantress guides;
And studies to beguile their weary course
Ever, as best she may, with sweet discourse:


And as the fairest topic of all those
Which might be grateful to the damsel’s ear,
Her future offspring and Rogero’s chose
(A race of demigods) in prince and peer.
For as Melissa all the secrets knows
Of the eternal gods who rule our sphere,
The good enchantress can discover all
Which should in many ages hence befall.


“Oh! my best guide,” exclaimed the damsel bold
To the weird-woman that to aid her came,
“As thou hast many years before foretold
“Men who shall glorify my race and name,
“So now I pray thee, lady, to unfold
“The praise and virtues of some noble dame,
“If from my lineage any such shall rise.”
To whom Melissa courteously replies: