Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/60

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Thus, not without a cause, Brunello pined,
And showed a mournful face, and hung his head.
Next Farurantes; to whose care consigned,
Maurina’s valiant horse and footmen tread.
The new-made king Libanio comes behind,
By whom are Constantina’s people led:
Since Agramant the crown and staff of gold,
Once Pinador’s, had given to him to hold.


Hesperia’s people come with Soridan,
With Dorilon the men of Setta ride;
The Nasamonians troop with Pulian,
And Agricaltes is Ammonia’s guide.
Malabupherso rules o’er Fezzan’s clan,
And Finaduro leads the band supplied
By the Canary Islands and Morocco:
Balastro fills the place of king Tardocco.


Next Mulga and Arzilla’s legions two.
The first beneath their ancient captains wend;
The second troop without a leader, who
Are given to Corineus, the sovereign’s friend.
So (late Tanphirion’s) Almonsilla’s crew,
To a new monarch in Caïchus bend.
Gœtulia is bestowed on Rhimedont,
And Cosca comes in charge of Balinfront.