Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/61

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Ruled by Clarindo, Bolga’s people go,
Who fills the valiant Mirabaldo’s post:
Him Baliverso, whom I’d have you know
For the worst ribald in that ample host,
Succeeded next. I think not, ’mid that show,
The bannered camp a firmer troop could boast
Than that which followed in Sobrino’s care;
Nor Saracen than him more wise and ware.


Gualciotto dead, Bellamarina’s crew,
(His vassals) serve, the sovereign of Algiers,
King Rodomont, of Sarza; that anew
Brought up a band of foot and cavaliers:
Whom, when the cloudy sun his rays withdrew
Beneath the Centaur and the Goat[9], his spears
There to recruit, was sent to the Afric shore
By Agramant, returned three days before.


There was no Saracen of bolder strain,
Of all the chiefs who Moorish squadrons led;
And Paris-town (nor is the terror vain)
More of the puissant warrior stands in dread
Than of King Agramant and all the train,
Which he, or the renowned Marsilius head;
And amid all that mighty muster, more
Than others, hatred to our faith he bore.