Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/62

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Prusion is the Alvaracehia’s king: below
King Dardinello’s flag Zumara’s power
Is ranged. I wot not, I, if owl or crow,
Or other bird ill-omened, which from tower
Or tree croaks future evil, did foreshow
To one or to the other, that the hour
Was fixed in heaven, when on the following day
Either should perish in this deadly fray.


Noritia’s men and Tremisene’s alone
Were wanting to complete the paynim host;
But in the martial muster sign was none,
Nor tale, nor tiding of the squadrons lost;
To wondering Agramant alike unknown,
What kept the slothful warriors from their post,
When of King Tremisene’s a squire was brought
Before him, who at large the mischief taught;


—Who taught how Manilardo was laid low,
Alzirdo, and many others, on the plain.
—“Sir,” said the bearer of the news, “the foe
“Who slew our troop, would all thy camp have slain,
“If thine assembled host had been more slow
“Than me, who, as it was, escaped with pain.
“This man slays horse and foot, as in the cote,
“The wolf makes easy waste of sheep and goat.”