Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/84

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Beneath the shadow of this forest deep,
Into the rock there runs a grotto wide.
Here widely wandering, ivy-suckers creep,
About the cavern’s entrance multiplied.
Harboured within this grot lies heavy Sleep.
Ease, corpulent and gross, upon this side,
Upon that, Sloth, on earth has made her seat;
Who cannot go, and hardly keeps her feet.


Mindless Oblivion at the gate is found,
Who lets none enter, and agnizes none;
Nor message hears or bears, and from that ground
Without distinction chases every one;
While Silence plays the scout and walks his round,
Equipt with shoes of felt and mantle brown,
And motions from a distance all who meet
Him on his circuit, from the dim retreat.


The angel him approaches quietly,
And, ’Tis God’s bidding” (whispers in his ear)
“That thou Rinaldo and his company,
“Brought in his sovereign’s aid, to Paris steer:
“But that thou do the deed so silently,
“That not a Saracen their cry shall hear;
“So that their army come upon the foe,
“Ere he from Fame of their arrival know.”