Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/85

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Silence to him no otherwise replied
Than signing with his head that he obeyed:
(And took his post behind the heavenly guide)
Both at one flight to Picardy conveyed.
The angel moved those bands of valour tried,
And short to them a tedious distance made:
Whom he to Paris safe transports; while none
Is conscious that a miracle is done.


Silence the advancing troop kept skirting round,
In front, and flank, and rear of the array;
Above the band he spread a mist profound,
And everywhere beside ’twas lightsome day;
Nor through the impeding fog the shrilling sound
Of horn was heard, without, or trumpet’s bray.
He next the hostile paynims went to find,
And with I know not what made deaf and blind.


While with such haste his band Rinaldo led,
That him an angel well might seem to guide,
And in such silence moved, that nought was said
Or heard of this upon the paynim side;
King Agramant his infantry had spread
Throughout fair Paris’ suburbs, and beside
The foss, and underneath the walls; that day
To make upon the place his worst assay.