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Page:Palestine Exploration Fund - Quarterly Statement for 1894.djvu/12

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"Jaffa, Ascalon 102
"Plain of Sharon 102
"Jaffa Oranges 102
"Prickly Pear 102
"Rose of Sharon 102
"General Character of the Country 103
"Population of Palestine in Old Times 103
"Fauna 103
"Jericho 103
"Jericho 106
""Good Samaritan's Inn," 103
"Wilderness of Judæa 103
"The Hill Country Fertile 104
"'Ain Shems 104
"Khans 104
"Cisterns 104
"Partridges 104
"John the Baptist 104
"Locusts and Wild Honey 104
"Hives of Wild Bees 104
"Frank Mountain 104
"Amorite Pottery 104
"Roman, &c., Traces 105
"Jordan Valley 105
"View from Hill between Bethel and Ai 105
"Jebel Nebâ 106
"Gilgal 106
"Balm of Gilead 106
"Mountain of Temptation 106
"Hermit Caves 106
"Population of Jerusalem 106
"Present City Walls and Gates of Jerusalem 107
"Druzes 107
"Mounds of Palestine 107
Jewish Pilgrims to Palestine 288
Jews, the, under Rome 47
Jiljulieh 182
"Judas Maccabæus," new edition of 161

Kala'at Saba el Kheir 149
Kh. el Mefjir 178

Land Tenure in Palestine (Answers to Questions) 191
Lake of Tiberias, Depth and Temperature 211
Lebanon Cliff Castle, A 113
Legend of Il Hakim 210

Maccabean Society, Dinner given by 159
Marble Fragment from Jebail 118
Masks, Stone, and Pottery 209
Maudslay's Excavations 248
Meeting presided over by H.R.H. the Duke of York 153
Megiddo 151
Metal Mouse from Jaffa 189
Meteorological Report from Jerusalem for 1884 44
""""1885 144
""""1886 266
Mosaic Pavement with Armenian Inscription 257
Muristan, the 147
Muristan, the 201
"Inscription 264

New Drains North of Jerusalem 261
Notes and News 1
" 89
" 153
" 234
"by the Rev. J. E. Hanauer 21
"on Mr. Davis' Paper by Major Conder 301

Orders of Holy Men 22

Palestine, Birth, Marriage, and Death among the Fellahin 127
Palestine, Land Tenure in 191
"Orders of Holy Men in 22
"Raised Map of 2
""" 9
""" 162
"Society, German, the 159
"Winged Figure from 147
"""" 148
Population of Jerusalem and Traffic 106
Population of Jerusalem and Traffic 266
Plain of Jericho 175
Pilgrims to Palestine, Jewish 288

Quarterly Statement, Notes on 81
""" 207
""" 302

Rainfall at Jerusalem 39
"" 40
Railway, Haifa-Damascus 3
Railway from Jaffa to Jerusalem 164
Rock-cut Aqueduct on the "Skull Hill," 263
Rock Scarp 264
Russian Orthodox Palestine Society 263

St. Peter's Church at Jaffa 13
Sarcophagi, the Sidon 120
Schlaia, the City 82
Siloam and Later Palestinian Inscriptions 269
Skull Hill, Note on 21
Stone and Pottery Masks found in Palestine 209
"Survey of Eastern Palestine," 5
""" 165
Swastica, Note on the 300

Tell Abu Ghannare 177
Tellûl Abu el 'Aleik. 176
Tell el Hesy, Notes on 203
Tabitha's Tomb 13
Tell es Sultan 176
Tombs of the Judges 233
""" 265

Weight, Hæmatite 220
"" 225
"" 284

Zion 282