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Page:Palestine Exploration Fund - Quarterly Statement for 1894.djvu/13

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[Quarterly Statement, January, 1894.]




The Quarterly Statement has been greatly indebted during the past year to many distinguished explorers and scholars, who have sent in contributions to its pages. The Statement forms a valuable record of Palestine discovery, and of the opinions of those best qualified to form a judgment on topographical and other questions of interest connected with the Holy Land. It is surprising how much new matter comes to hand from time to time, showing that the functions of the Fund are by no means exhausted. Indeed, in certain directions, the work seems to be only beginning; as, for instance, the examination of the numerous ancient Tells in various parts of the country.

Mr. F. J. Bliss's detailed report of his work at Tell el Hesy is in the press, and will be issued shortly under the title of "The Mound of Many Cities."

In the January Statement of last year was published a translation of the cuneiform inscription on the Tell el Hesy tablet (now in the Constantinople Museum) by the Rev. Professor Sayce. In the present number will be found another translation of the same inscription by M. V. Scheil, which has been forwarded to us by Professor Petrie from Maspero's "Recueil des Travaux."

Although in ill-health, and feeling the weight of increasing years, Herr Baurath von Schick still continues to supply valuable information respecting new discoveries and changes in and around the Holy City. He also sends this quarter some further notes on the "Tabitha" ground near Jaffa.

Mr. Glaisher's paper on the rainfall at Jerusalem during the last 32 years is of great interest. It appears that the average annual rainfall during the last 16 years has been no less than 5·94 inches greater than in the previous 16 years.