of Palestine as far north as Mount Harmon, and the districts beyond Jordan as far as they are surveyed. See key-map to the sheets.
The price of this map, in 12 sheets, in paper cover, to subscribers to the Fund, 12s. 6d.; to the public, £1 1s.
The size of this map, mounted on cloth and roller for hanging, is 412 feet by 634 feet.
Any single sheet of the map can be had separately, price, to subscribers of the Fund, 1s. 6d. Mounted on cloth to fold in the pocket suitable for travelling, 2s. To the public 2s. and 2s. 6d.
Single copies of these maps in sheets, with cover, can be sent by post to all foreign countries at an extra charge of 1s.
A copy of names and places in the Old and New Testament, with their modern identifications and full references, can he had by subscribers with either of these maps at the reduced price of 2s. 6d.
Branch Associations of the Bible Society, all Sunday School Unions within the Sunday School Institute, the Sunday School Union, and the Wesleyan Sunday School Institute, will please observe that by a special Resolution of the Committee they will henceforth be treated as subscribers and be allowed to purchase the books and maps (by application only to the Secretary) at reduced price.
The income of the Society, from June 22nd to September 22nd, 1894, was—from annual subscriptions and donations, including Local Societies, £188 15s. 7d.; from all sources—£366 10s. 4d. The expenditure during the same period was £719 5s. 3d. On September 22nd the balance in the Bank was £147 16s. 2d.
Subscribers are requested to note that the following cases for binding, casts, and slides can be had by application to the Assistant Secretary at the Office of the Fund:—
Cases for binding Herr Schumacher's "Jaulân," 1s. each.
Cases for binding the Quarterly Statement, in green or chocolate. 1s. each.
Cases for binding "Abila," "Pella," and "Ajlûn" in one volume. 1s. each.
Casts of the Tablet, front and back, with a Cuneiform Inscription found in May, 1892, at Tell el Hesy, by F. J. Bliss, Explorer to the Fund, at a depth of 35 feet. It belongs to the general diplomatic correspondence carried on between Amenhotep III and IV and their agents in various Palestinian towns. Price 2s. 6d. the pair.
Casts of the Ancient Hebrew Weight brought by Dr. Chaplin from Samaria, price 2s. 6d. each.
Casts of an Inscribed Weight or Bead from Palestine, forwarded by Professor Wright, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A., price 1s. each.
Lantern slides of the Raised Map, the Sidon Sarcophagi, and of the Bible places mentioned in the catalogue of photos and special list of slides.