In order to make up complete sets of the Quarterly Statement the Committee will be very glad to receive any of the back numbers.
While desiring to give every publicity to proposed identifications and other theories advanced by officers of the Fund and contributors to the pages of the Quarterly Statement, the Committee wish it to be distinctly understood that by publishing them in the Quarterly Statement they neither sanction nor adopt them.
Subscribers who do not receive the Quarterly Statement regularly are asked to send a note to the Secretary. Great care is taken to forward each number to all who are entitled to receive it, but changes of address and other causes give rise occasionally to omissions.
The authorised lecturers for the Society are—
The Rev. Thomas Harrison, F.R.G.S., Hillside, Benenden, Staplehurst, Kent. His subjects are as follows:—
(1) Research and Discovery in the Holy Land.
(2) Bible Scenes in the Light of Modern Science.
(3) The Survey of Eastern Palestine.
(4) In the Trade of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan.
(5) The Jordan Valley, the Bead Sea, and the Cities of the Plain.
(6) The Recovery of Jerusalem—{Excavations in 1894).
(7) The Recovery of Lachish and the Hebrew Conquest of Palestine.
(8) Archæological Illustrations of the Bible. (Specially adapted for Sunday School Teachers).
N.B.—All these Lectures are illustrated by specially prepared lantern slides.
The Rev. J. R. Macpherson, B.D., Kinnaird Manse, Inchture, N.B. His subjects are as follows:—
(1) The Work of the Palestine Exploration Fund.
(2) The Survey of Palestine.
(3) The City of Jerusalem.
(4) Eastern Palestine.
(5) Calvary and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
The Rev. J. Llewelyn Thomas, M.A., Aberpergwni, Glynmeath, South Wales. His subjects are as follows:—
(1) Explorations in Judea.
(2) Research and Discovery in Samaria and Galilee.
(3) In Bible Lands; a Narrative of Personal Experiences.
(4) The Reconstruction of Jerusalem.
(5) Problems of Palestine.