Page:Para leer a Carlos Castaneda.djvu/143

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fails to fully decipher. Allows us to overcome the idea that the archaeological vestiges of these daring researchers, were "ceremonial centers" to worship "gods" associated with natural phenomena such as wind, lightning, water and that built these impressive material works to “construct towns, fortifications, pantheons or palaces, for a supposed monarchy similar to the European", in which they performed bloody ritual ceremonies to their tutelary gods.

The third contribution was that Castaneda in 1968, long before Guillermo Bonfil (1987) and the Indian rebellion in Chiapas (1994), presents on national and global stage indigenous people. In fact, the Mexico indigenous people in the five century colonization represented the last rung on the social scale, were the ignorant, the incapable, the primitive. Writer José Austin, who in 1982 translated the Castaneda book The Eagle's Gift, once told me that in 1968 he unsuccessfully tried for the Fondo de Cultura Económica, to pubish Castaneda's first book. The don Juan teachings, a Yaqui form of knowledge. It is logical to understand, who in their right mind in Mexico of 1968, could suppose that an indigenous Yaqui could have any teachings for the dominant culture.

Time proved José Austin right and in 1974 the Fondo had to publish 7 years late, the first Castaneda book, as it had become a Super Best Seller, not only in the United States but around the world. For this purpose, the Fondo had to include a foreword by one of the most renowned Mexican intellectuals; Octavio Paz. With Paz "backing", the book began to sell like hot bread in Mexico, but more as a fashion, than consciousness awakening. To date, even though Castaneda books have sales exceeding that of great literates, remains relatively unknown in Mexico.

Thus, apparently we find ourselves with the last Carlos Castaneda book, we are "officially" informed that he died of cancer. We believe that human time of nagual Castaneda has probably ended. The task he had to fulfill in this world, after jumping off a cliff, back in the top of the Oaxaca North Sierra, has apparently ended.

He left a new lineage with their foreign female warriors and a new practice with Tensegrity. Carlos Castaneda sometime recognized that Don Juan never taught him to deal with the profane world, to whom (strangely) now he tries to convey the ancient legendary Toltec knowledge.

Tensegrity or the so-called "magical passes", is a new proposal of ancient Toltec knowledge, left by the nagual Castaneda in facing the new millennium.