Page:Para leer a Carlos Castaneda.djvu/144

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First English edition, 1998

This book contains a series of quotations from the first eight books of the work, that Castaneda himself selected from a criterion, when Castaneda realized that the quotations had "self-momentum".

Indeed, the Castaneda work can be divided into three parts. What Don Juan says, what Castaneda does and thinks, and the "bullshit" or literary filling. The most important thing is what Don Juan says, because what Castaneda thinks and does while facing the power belongs to the author interests as a personal experience.

It is important to remember that "the tales of power", always have an abstract center, which is the teachings "substance". These tales need to be remembered over and over, so that they are no longer "simple tales" and become "power histories".

Somehow, those that back then read and reread, the Castaneda texts, unknowingly, we were reviewing the power tales and gradually the "abstract centers" were revealed. This is the reason why, the Castaneda work is "magic". Each time a book is again read, new angles not seen in previous readings are discovered or revealed.

In the 1980s, the writer, when reading the books over and over, as a practical matter began highlighting "what Don Juan said". Subsequently transcribed the highlighted text and pasted it into a single text. This facilitated "reading", because it saved me from re-reading again and again, "what Castaneda said and the circumstances of his encounters with Don Juan”.

The result was a great study text. Because by knowing the circumstances surrounding the talks, just by reading what Don Juan said, fully touched the "power tales and its abstract centers, that opened gradually". In this way, in a sit-in I could read a whole book, except that, only what I considered most important, of what Don Juan said.

Subsequently, I did a summary of the synthesis and recorded it. This allowed me to hear every night with my voice, "the Don Juan teachings". In this way over time this "royal jelly" of the Don Juan Toltec wisdom, allowed me to "understand or penetrate" in a different way to the bottom of the Castaneda work.

This synthesis of "what Don Juan said " was structured by the first eight books and I gave to a friend one of many copies, who later told me that he reproduced hundreds of copies, which in turn, he gave away. This is the reason why this book seems so familiar and a very effective tool to be able to touch the tales of power abstract centers that are in the Carlos Castaneda works. That is why I recommend its reading and study, after knowing all the work.

For this reason, we will select some quotations made by Castaneda of his own work. There is not more to do, than to read over and over this extraordinary work, that