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stamens 一 and six petals 一 the tuberose 一 and the basilic grass.
子 茶
才 的的來 斗 菓
^ 奴來 來娶手 大牙個
^ 猜醜偷 跑兒的 一 的暍
娘我是 是轎家 瑶家愛
二罵不 不緑奴 瑪奴兒
娘娘也 也紅瞧 珠瞧小
大三我 我花贈 金鹏從
It happens very often in a family that all
the brothers marry and do not live in separate
establishments. All the young wives live together
and in order to distinguish them, the elder
brother's wife is called ta1-niang2, the second bro-
ther's eur1 niang2 and so forth. In this way a system
of subordination prevails in the family, and the
older wives indulge rather often in teasing the
younger ones, The ta1-niang2, this powerful chief of
this female clan has a greater authority than all
and is consequently allowed to brew the most
mischief possible in the family. 猜 ts'ai1, lit. to