Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/153

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of office, but wheuever be does, he will be very ai)t to succeed, as he ia very popular wherever kuown. He was married in San Francisco in June, 1878, to Miss Etta Hochheimer, a most estimable younj,' lady. Mr. Blum is rapidly assuming the [jositiou of iutiueuce and competency, and a man of his eneru:y and ambition knows no such word as fail. He has been liis own master since his sixteenth year, and his success since that time is but a fore- runner of what the future has in store for him.

A. W. WITHERELL, The present accommodating Deputy Sherifl'of Multnomah, was born in Eastam, Massachusetts, in the year 1837. When but three years of age he removed with his parents to Jersey City, where he passed his earlier years and received his education. At the age of fifteen years he went to Troy, New York, and secured employment with B. F. Thompson, wholesale dealer in fruits, where he remained until he M^as eighteen years of age. He then went to California, and after remaining there two years came on to Oregon. On arriving here he secured the agency of the Pacific Steamship Co. at St. Helens, which he retained for three years. Having a desire to see the country, he then traveled our Pacific States and Territories for awhile, and concluding that Portland afforded the greatest opportunities for a young man of grit and industry, settled down in our little city in the year 1867. He immediately secured a position in the retail dry-goods house of Mrs. O. Levy, now Levi,& Strauss, in which position he remained four- teen and a half years. Last July, after the sweeping Republican majority in Multnomah county, Mr. Witherell received fi-om Sherifl' Sears the appoint- ment of Deputy Sherili", in which position he stiil continues, and gives the utmost satisfaction. He was married in 1869 to Miss M. V. Chapman, daughter of John Chapman, Esq.


County Clerk of Liiui county, and one of the most popular young men in that vicniity, was born at Kuoxville, Iowa, December 29, 1852. His father, Dr. Wm. Q. Stewart, was a successful practitioner of medicine in that city. He afterwards moved to Monroe county, where his father engaged in the general mercantile business. Having met with reverses, he immigrated to Oregon in 1865, just at the close of the war. The subject of oui- sketch en- tered the office of the "State Rights Democrat," at Albany, in June, 1867, and remained connected with that paper in the varied capacity of " devil," compositor, foreman, business manager, proprietor and editor, until Octo- ber 1st of the present year, when he disposed of his interest to Chamberlain & Stites, the present publishers. Mr. Stewart was a pleasant writer and the paper under his editorial management was spicy and interesting at all times. He has held various positions of public trust, such as Alderman, Treasurer, etc., of that city, and as the Democratic nominee for the office of County Clerk was elected by 362 majority, running over one hundred votes ahead of his ticket. He has been an active worker in politics for many