Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/154

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years and was Chairman of the Democratic County Central Committee for two campaigns. He is a genial, whole-souled young fellow, and wins, not only the friendship, but the confidence and esteem of all with whom he comes in contact. He was married to Miss Cora J. Irvine, daughter of Rev. S. G. Irvine, D. D., of Albany, January 4, 1877, and four interesting chil- dren have already blessed their union.


The present Mayor of Salem, was born on a farm in Muskingum county, Ohio, January 6, 183.5. He remained at home until he was of age, when he entered Monmouth College, 111., from which institution he graduated in 1859. He studied law for about two years and was admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Illinois in March, 1861. The war of the rebellion breaking out that year, Mr. Crawford enlisted in the Seventeenth Illinois Regiment of Infantry and served over three years with the Army of the Mississippi and with his regiment pai-ticipated in the fights at Fredrick- town, Mo., Fort Donaldson, Shiloh, and before Corinth and Vicksburg, when those places were invested by Generals Halleck and Grant. Mr. Crawford came to Oregon in 1866, and by his indomitable energy has suc- ceeded in building up a large and profitable business in Salem. He is a clear-headed, conscientious citizen, and has taken more than ordinary in- terest as a member of the Common Council and of the Fire Department in making Salem a moral, law-abiding city and a delightful place of residence.


Standing among the leading members of the legal fraternity of the State, and holding the responsible office of Prosecuting Attorney of the Fourth Judicial District, Hon. John F. Caples, both by virtue of his official posi- tion and his acknowledged professional acquirements, ranks among the representative men of Oregon. He is a native of Ohio, in which State he was born January 12, 1831. In 1832 his father removed with his family to Seneca county, Ohio, where he died in 1835. There were ten children in the family, of whom the subject of this biographical sketch was the youngest. He remained with his widowed mother on a farm until fifteen years of age, receiving such advantages of ol)tainiug an early education as were afforded in a country school. He then began clerking in a variety store, which avo- cation he pursued for three years, when he went to Delaware, Ohio, and at- tended school until he attained the age of twenty-one. Removing to Belle- fontaine, in his native State, he read law with Hon. Een. Stanton and C. W B. Allison, and was admitted to practice in 18.54. On the 24th of May of the same year, he was married to Miss Sarah J. Morrison, daughter of F. A. Morrison, of Champaign county, Ohio. Mr. Caples practiced his profes- sion in northern Ohio until 1858, when he removed to Warsaw, Indiana, where he continued attending to legal business until 1862. Returning to Ohio he remained until 1865, when he removed to this coast. He located at Vancouver, W. T., and resided there until 1866, when he removed to