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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


International AspectsThe Chinese Communist request for a reconvening of the Geneva Conference broadened to include the International Control Commission members, probably indicates that the Communists will continue to drive for "reunification" of Vietnam by political and diplomatic means rather than by a resort to large-scale violence -- at least until their proposal is definitively rejected. The Indians, as well as the Communist countries, will probably approve the call for a new conference. They apparently wish to seethe ICC continue in operation, which would require the Vietnamese to assume some of the functions assigned to the French by the 1954 agreements.

The French are likely to continue the withdrawal of their forces (now reduced to about 15,000) in South Vietnam, to avoid formal termination of its informal mission to the DRV headed by M. Sainteny, and -- despite current opposition -- may come to favor a new conference as a means of relief from their obligations under the 1954 agreements. The British have become increasingly reconciled to an extended partition of Vietnam, now have greater confidence in Diem's strength, and would prefer to avoid or at least postpone a new Geneva Conference. Tho British, however, still hope that Diem can be brought to accept some form of north-south consultation, even without prospect of success.


State -- FD, Wash. D. C.