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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


over the FY 61 GVN contribution. If the Vietnamese are unable to provide this level of funds, there will again be a substantial short-fall which the US might have to meet if the program as outlined is to be mounted.

b. MAP: In order to provide the necessary equipment, training and other support required for a GVN armed force of 200,000, a Civil Guard of 68,000, Self Defense Corps of 40,000 and those portions of para. 2 above properly chargeable to military assistance, a total of $140 million is required for Military Assistance in FY 62 for Vietnam. This amount is $71 million more than is currently programmed for Vietnam within the current World Wide FY 62 MAP of $1.6 billion, which is a holding program pending results of an Executive Branch study of the Military Assistance Program now underway.

It is necessary, therefore, that this additional $71 million required for the Vietnam Military Assistance Program be provided by supplemental appropriations over and above the presently contemplated World Wide FY 62 $1.6 billion program.