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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


e. Provide MAP support for the Vietnamese Junk Force as a means of preventing Viet-Cong clandestine supply and infiltration into South Vietnam by water, (MAP support, which was not provided in the Counter Insurgency Plan, will include training of junk crews in Vietnam or at U.S. bases by US Navy personnel).

f. Assist the G.V.N. to establish a Combat Development and Test Center in South Vietnam to develop, with the help of modern technology, new techniques for use against the Viet Cong forces.

4. Economic:

a. Until further notice, defense support of approved regular and paramilitary forces should be given primacy over the important, but less urgent need to rectify the growing gold and dollar reserve position of the G.V.N. and the need to avoid serious inflation.[1] {The precise level of U.S. defense support shall be determined through appropriate negotiations,

  1. State - ICA versions: That the United States at present hold firm against the provision of additional aid to cover piaster requirements, but at the same time assure the G.V.N. at the highest level that it need feel no concern over U.S. willingness to provide resources if they prove necessary in the future. Early monetary reform should be strongly urged, as another source of revenue. At the same time the G.V.N. should be assured we are prepared to help if the reform produces unsatisfactory results.