Page:Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo.djvu/70

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and as soon as she had to be intimate with him, she made him understand that she would kill herself with her own hands instead.

"If you wish," the parrot told her, "you will be able to remedy everything and help me return to my former state and take revenge on the wicked and treacherous counselor."

She answered that this was what she desired above all else and begged him to tell her how this could be realized.

"In the future," replied the animal, when the false Emperor wants to approach you with my body, show him that you are happy and cheerful by starting to caress him. “Certainly,” tell him, “I can consider myself the unhappiest woman in the world and I am dying of pain, for loving you as much as I do, from being deprived of being able to enjoy you, as I once did, due to being suspicious, when I think about you, that it has been such a long time that I saw your spirit pass into the dead body of an animal and amuse yourself with that.”

"So, for no other reason above else than to be intimate with you, and believing that to immediately please you, he must prove to you that he is the true Emperor, he will let his spirit pass into any dead animal. This will give us the opportunity to be able to fully avenge his perfidy." Because, if he does this, you open the cage for me, and I fly over my dead body,