Page:Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo.djvu/71

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and return with my spirit into it. I shall have recovered my former state, and we will live a happy, and peaceful life." When the animal had spoken these words, the Empress immediately carried out his advice.

When the false Emperor entered her room on the evening of the same day, and conversed with her about various things, she started to convey to him what the parrot had instructed her.

Whereupon he, who did not desire anything more than her grace and love, said to her, “Madam, in truth there has been great injustice done to you and to myself for too long. Therefore, if this was the reason that my person arose suspicion, it is only now that I understand to have caused such a doubt in you. But now, let me bring a hen here and I will show you, that up to now you have been greatly deceived."

And this order was carried out immediately and a living hen was brought into the room. And when the others were dismissed, they locked themselves inside the room, alone with the parrot. The false Emperor strangled the hen with his own hands and speaking the magic words over the body, his spirit passed into it while leaving his own body for dead on the floor. Whereupon the Empress, who saw this, promptly opened the cage, and the parrot, as it flew over the Emperor's dead body, moved its spirit into it by virtue of the magic words, and the parrot remained dead.