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which may contribute to make us good. Therefore (as a learned Divine ſays very well) this Sacrament can be neglected by none but thoſe that

do not undeſtand it, but thoſe who are unwilling to be tyed to their duty, and are afraid of being engaged to uſe their beſt diligence to keep the commandments of Chriſt: And ſuch perſons have no reaſon to fear being in a worſe condition, ſince they are already in ſo bad a ſtate. And thus much may ſuffice for anſwer to the firſt Objection concerning the great danger of unworthy receiving this holy Sacrament. I ſhal proceed to the

2.Second Objection, which was this; That
Obj. 2. ſo much preparation and worthineſs being
required to our worthy receiving, the more

timorous ſort of Chriſtians can never think themſelves duly enough qualified for ſo ſacred an Action.

For a full anſwer to this Objection, I ſhall endeavour briefly to clear these Three things. First, That every degree of Imperfection in our preparation for this Sacrament is not a ſufficient reaſon for men to refrain from it. Secondly, That a total want of a due preparation, not only in the degree but it in the main and ſubſtance of it, though it render us unfit at preſent to receive this Sacrament, yet it does by no means excuſe our neglect of it. Thirdly, That the proper inference and concluſion from the total want of a due preparation, is not to caſt off all thoughts of receiving the Sacrament, but immediatly to ſet upon the work of preparation, that ſo we may be fit to receive it. And if I can clearly make out theſe three things, I hope this Objection is fully anſwered.

I That every degree of Imperfection in our preparation for this Sacrament is not a ſufficient reaſon