for men to abſtain from it; for then no man ſhould ever receive it: For who is every way worthy, & in all degrees and reſpects duly qualified, to approach the preſence of God in any of the duties of his Worſhip and Service? Who can waſh his hands in innocency that ſo he be perfectly fit to approach God's Altar? There is not a man on earth that lives and ſins not. The Graces of the beſt men are imperfect, and every imperfection in grace & goodneſs is an imperfection in the diſpoſition & preparation of our minds for this holy Sacrament: But if we do heartily repent of our ſins, and ſincerely reſolve to obey and perform the terms of the Goſpel, and of that Covenant which we entered into by Baptiſm, & are going ſolemnly to renew and confirm by our receiving of this Sacrament, we are at leaſt in ſome degree, and in the main qualified to partake of this holy Sacrament; And the way for us to be more fit is to receive this Sacrament frequently, that by this ſpiritual food of God's appointing, by this living bread which comes down from heaven our ſouls may be nouriſhed in goodneſs, & new ſtrength and vertue may be continually derived to us, for the purifying of our hearts, and enabling us to run the ways of Gods commandments with more conſtancy and delight. For the way to grow in grace, and to be ſtrengthned with all might in the inner man, and to abound in all the fruits of righteouſneſs, which by Chriſt Jeſus are to the praiſe and glory of God, is with care and conſcience to uſe thoſe means which God hath appointed for this end: And if we will neglect the uſe of theſe means it is to no purpoſe for us to pray to God for his grace and aſſiſtance. We may tire our ſelves with our devotions, and fill heaven with vain complaints, and yetby
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