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at the end of the World. So that this Sacrament was deſigned to be a ſtanding Commemoration of the Death and Paſſion of our Lord till he ſhould come to Judgement; and conſequently the Obligation that lyes upon Chriſtians to the obſervation of it is perpetual, and ſhal never ceaſe to the end of the World.

So that it is a vain conceit and meer dream of the Enthuſiaſts , concerning the ſeculum ſpiritus ſancti, the Age and diſpenſation of the holy Ghoſt, when, as they ſuppoſe, all humane teaching ſhal ceaſe, and all external Ordinances and Inſtitutions in Religion ſhal vaniſh, and there ſhal be no further uſe of them: whereas it is very plain from the New Teſtament, that Prayer, and outward Teaching, and the uſe of the two Sacraments, were intended to continue among Chriſtians in all Ages, As for Prayer, (beſides our natural obligation to this duty, if there were no revealed Religion) we are by our Saviour particularly exhorted to Watch and Pray, with regard to the day of Judgment, and in conſideration of the uncertainty of the time when it ſhal be: And therefore this will always be a Duty incumbent upon Chriſtians till the day of Judgment, becauſe it is preſcribed as one of the beſt ways of preparation for it. That Outward Teaching likewiſe and Baptiſm were intended to be perpetual, is no leſs plain, becauſe Chriſt hath expreſly promiſed to be with the Teachers of his Church in the uſe of theſe Ordinances to the end of the World. (Matth. 28. 19, 20. Go and Diſciple all Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Ghoſt: and lo, I am with you always to the end of the World.) Not only to the end of that particular