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Age, but to the end of the Goſpel-Age, and the conſummation of all Ages, as the phraſe clearly imports. And it is as plain from this Text, that the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was intended for a perpetual Inſtitution in the Chriſtian Church, till the ſecond coming of Chriſt, viz. his coming to judgment: Becauſe St. Paul tells us, that by theſe Sacramental Signs the Death of Chriſt is to be repreſented, and commemorated till he come. Do this is remembrance of me, for as oft as ye eat this Bread, and drink this Cup, he do ſhew the Lord's Death till he come.

And if this be the End and Uſe of this Sacrament, to be a ſolemn remembrance of the Death and Sufferings of our Lord, during his abſence from us; that is, till his coming to Judgement, then this Sacrament will never be out of date till the ſecond coming of our Lord. The conſideration whereof ſhould mightily ſtrengthen and encourage our Faith, in the hope of Eternal Life, ſo often as we partake of this Sacrament; ſince our Lord hath left it to us as a memorial of himſelf till he come, to tranſlate his Church into Heaven, and as a ſure pledge that he will come again at the end of the World, and inveſt us in that Glory, which he is now gone before to prepare for us. So that as often as we approach the Table of the Lord, we ſhould comfort our ſelves with the thoughts of that bleſſed time, when we ſhall eat and drink with him in his Kingdom, and ſhall be admitted to the great Feaſt of the Lamb, and to eternal Communion with God, the Judge of all, and with our bleſſed and glorified Redeemer, and the holy Angels, and the Spirits of Juſt men made perfect.

And the ſame conſideration ſhould likewiſemake