make us afraid to receive this Sacrament unworthily, without due Preparation for it, and without worthy effects of it upon our Hearts and Lives. Becauſe of that dreadfull ſentence ⟨of⟩ condemnation, which at the ſecond coming of our Lord ſhall be paſt upon thoſe, who by the profanation of this ſolemn Inſtitution trample under foot the Son of God, and contemn the bloud of the Covenant; that Covenant of Grace and Mercy, which God hath ratified with Mankind by the Bloud of his Son. The Apoſtle tells us, that he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, ⟨is⟩ guilty of the body and bloud of the Lord, and eateth and drinketh damnation to himſelf. This indeed is ſpoken of temporal Judgment (as I ſhall ſhew in the latter part of this Diſcourſe) but the Apoſtle likewiſe ſuppoſeth, that if theſe temporal Judgments had not their effect, to bring men to repentance, but they ſtill perſiſted in the profanation of this holy Sacrament, they ſhould at laſt be condemned with the world. For as he that partaketh worthily of this Sacrament, confirms his intereſt in the promiſes of the Goſpel, and his Title to eternal life; ſo he that receives this Sacrament unworthily, that is, without due reverence, and without fruits meet for it; nay on the contrary, continues to live in ſin whilſt he commemorats the death of Chriſt, who gave himſelf for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, this man aggravats and ſeals his own damnation, becauſe he is guilty of the body and bloud of Chriſt, not only by the contempt of it, but by renewing in ſome ſort the cauſe of his ſufferings, and as it were Crucifieing to himſelf afreſh the Lord of life and glory, and putting him to an open ſhame, And when the great Judge of the Worldſhall
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