Page:Peter's repentance, after he had denied his Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.pdf/4

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Precious odour was not so much accepted as Peter's repentance. Gold, frankincence and myrrh, are not so precious as Peter's repentance to God-ward, for he wept bitterly for denying his Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Mark xiv. 7!. 'But he began to curse and to swear, saying, I know not this man of whom ye speak.' So soon as he had learned to lie, he had learned to swear; they are inseparable companions, and, as I may say, sworn brethren, that always meet together in a sinful society. We never read of Peter's swearing any where else, yet, here, upon a sudden, oaths and curses shewed themselves. No sooner Ham spied Noah's nakedness, Gen. ix. 22. 'Cursed be Canaan, a servant of servants shall he be.'

So he went out. This text affords us three special notes, being very remarkable in Peter's repentance. 1. Remembrance of sin. 2. Remorse for sin. 3. Sorrow for sin. All of which ought to accompany a godly and sincere convert in turning from his evil ways.

Thus, having found out the mine, let us now dig for the treasure. So he went out: He was careless till the cock warned him, thereby learning, that the first step to repentance, is the remembrance of sin, and therefore David saith, Psalm li. 3. 'My sins are before me.' Moses chargeth the people to remember their sins, how oft they provoked the Lord, by that means calling them to repentance, Deut. ix. 7. He went out, another step of Peter's repentance, he first