Page:Peter's repentance, after he had denied his Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.pdf/5

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weighed his sin. Mark Noah, and in the meditation thereof, only naked and bare, but he was wakened from his former drowsiness and slumber of sin He went out, wherein observe, the effectual operations of God's Spirit, in the children of God, after we have sinned, spiritually the grace of God calleth us home again, and suffereth us not to rest, like the dove that was sent out from Noah, she found no rest, Gen. vii. 9. Nor can Peter now find any rest, until he have found Christ by repentance, whom he had lost by denial. Peter's sin was great, it was no small bait that Satan laid in his way, for great is the danger; for what greater advantage could Satan else have wish'd than this, had not the assisting hand of God's mercies stayed him after his fall, for his own glory, and to the unspeakable comfort of the godly, who, though they fall, can never fall away: for the promise of God standeth sure, and hath this seal, God knoweth those who are his. Our Saviour Christ saith, 'Of those whom thou hast given me, I have lost none of them save the son of perdition, John xvii. 12. He went out, as Isaac went out into the field to pray, Gen. xxiv. 63. So Peter went out to meditate and consider what he had done: Peter went out and wept bitterly,' Luke xxii. 62. The faithful soul, when it is desirous to enter into an holy consultation, or conference, covets to be alone, like Christ in the desert, Matth. iv. 1. Jacob being alone, wrestled with the angel, and prevailed for a blessing, Gen. xxii. 24. Jonah went