Page:Peter's repentance, after he had denied his Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.pdf/6

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out of the city of Nineveh to mourn over it, as it is in Jonah iv. 5. So Jonah preached in Nineveh, that within forty days it should be destroyed, and they repented. Moses was bid to put off his shoe, when he passed near to the flaming bush, Exod. ii. So we must put off our shoes of carnality, and go out from ourselves, as the adder casteth her slough, if we will tread upon holy ground, and press to come where God is. Peter, so long as he staid in the high Priest's hall among the enemies of Christ, became as one of them, and had quite forgotten that Christ was his Master, and so denied him, whom a little before he had promised to die for.

O what have I done, miserable man that I am! how dangerously have I fallen, in denying him the Lord of life, and my Lord? I am a rebellious sinner to deny him that framed me, and, by his truth, redeemed me, and was I so wicked? if all the world were offended, yet I would not be offended: yea, I was ready to lay down my life for Christ my Lord, and yet, before the cock crew twice, I had denied him thrice, Matth. xxvi. 33. O perjured wretch that I am, how heavy have I transgressed my faith, by denying him that died for me? I, that thought my faith was strong enough to encounter with the whole world, most shamefully suffered a woman, the weaker vessel, to discountenance me. Is this not to be offended? Is this to give my life for my Master? nay, is this not to forsake him quite, and to join with the wicked? for I denied him whom my soul