Page:Peterson's Magazine 1862.pdf/79

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VARIETIES IN EMBROIDERY . The child started as the voice came floating out at the open window above her. "I'm down here, chopping wood." A sweet, bright face came out amongst the roses which surrounded the window, and then, with a merry laugh, the sister cried, "Oh! Lottie, you naughty girl !" and disappeared to reappear, a moment later, at the door.


and the cause of the stop before the gate was explained. There was something-who can tell what ?that made Nellie Hastings not unwilling to see Horace Lee's handsome face again, and she consented to allow Lottie to be painted. Aunt Harriet, who presided over the promised country tea, was quite willing to agree to the arrangement, and an appointment for a sitting "Miss Ellen Hastings, by all that is beauti- the next day was made. It took a long time to get the sketches to suit ful !" cried Godfrey, and, tossing the reins to Horace, he sprang out of the vehicle, and, in the young artist. Sometimes it was too early, sometimes too late. Often Lottie had escaped another moment, was beside his friend. "Tie up the horse, Horry, and come here," and was off in the fields or woods ; yet these he said, a moment later. "Miss Hastings is mishaps never tired the temper of the artist, or prevented his punctual appearance at the kind enough to promise us a country tea." " I don't know what you think of Lottie, " appointed time. Long walks or drives were said their hostess, as she led the young men made to look for the little wood chopper, and into the pretty parlor ; " for the child is per- as Horace felt the sister's hand on his arm, or fectly crazy. Aunt Harriet felt unequal to the heard her sweet voice, he would forget his constant gayety of a watering-place, this sum- uncle, his picture, everything but the lovely mer, and she required some change of air. So face upon which he gazed, and the happiness we took this cottage to rusticate for a few it was to be near Ellen Hastings. months. It is Lottie's first season of perfect Oh! the old story ! Who can tell all the whys freedom, and the child is absolutely crazy upon and wherefores. They met-they loved ! The picture was finished at last, and placed all country matters. Seeing some of the farmer's children in the neighborhood barefoot, in the Academy to draw forth many praises and win the prize. Yet even the renewal of his she steals away and doffs shoes and stockings { whenever she can escape observation. Ah ! here uncle's favor and the warm commendations of she comes !" his friends did not give Horace the thrill of Such a quiet-looking child, in dainty shoes delight which he felt when Lottie put her arms and stockings, with a pure white dress and a around his neck and said, demure face, stole in, that Horace entered a "Nellie says you're going to be my brother, laughing protest against the transformation ; and I'm awful glad !"