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Five Essays.

that year, they had found above 84 thousand Houses to be in London, wherefore Anno 1686, or in 4 years more, there might be 110 or 8400 Houses more (London doubling in 40 years) so as the whole, Anno 1686 might be 92400. |24|

3. I found that Anno 1685, there were 29325 Harths in Dublin, and 6400 Houses, and in London 388 thousand Harths, whereby there must have been at that rate 87000 Houses in London. Moreover I found that in Bristol there were in the same year 16752 Harths, and 5307 Houses, and in London 388 thousand Harths as aforesaid; at which rate there must have been 123 thousand Houses in London, and at a Medium between Dublin and Bristol proportions 105 thousand Houses.

Lastly, By Certificate from the Harth-Office, I find the Houses within the Bills of Mortality to be 105,315. |25|

Having thus found the Houses, I proceed next to the number of Families in them, and first I thought that if there were 3 or 4 Families or Kitchins in every House of Paris, there might be 2 Families in 110 of the Housing of London; unto which supposition, the common opinion of several Friends, doth concur with my own conjectures.

As to the number of Heads in each Family, I stick to Grant's observation in page [1] of his fifth Edition, That in Tradesmen of London's Families, there be 8 Heads one with another, in Families of higher Ranks, above 10, |26| and in the poorest near 5, according to which proportions, I had upon another occasion[2] pitch'd the medium of Heads in all the Families of England to be 6⅓, but quitting the Fraction in this Case, I agree with Monsieur Auzout for 6.

    accurate map of the city of London Ichnographically Describing all the Streets, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Yards, Churches, Halls and Houses, &c. Actually Surveyed and Delineated By John Ogilby Esq. ... dedicated and presented by ... William Morgan, and was accompanied by a descriptive text entitled London Survey'd: or, an explanation of the large map of London. Giving a Particular Account Of the Streets and Lanes, in the City and Liberties. By John Ogilby & William Morgan, His Majestys Cosmographers. London, Printed and Sold at the Authors House In White Fryers, 1677. So far as I can discover, neither the map nor the text makes any calculation of the population or of the houses of London.

  1. Page 82 of the fifth ed., p. 385 of this reprint.
  2. In some calculation now probably lost.