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Burials at London.

To conclude, the Houses of London being 105315, and the addition of double Families 10531 more, in all 115846; I multiplied the same by 6, which produced 695076 for the number of the People.

The Second way.

I found that the years 1684 and 1685, being next each other, and |27| both healthfull, did wonderfully agree in their Burials, viz. 1684 they were 23202, and Anno 1685 23222, the Medium whereof is 23212; Moreover that the Christnings 1684 were 14,702, and those Anno 1685 were 14730, wherefore I multiplied the Medium of Burials 23212 by 30, supposing that one dies out of 30 at London, which made the number of People 696,360 Souls[1].

Now to prove that one dies out of 30 at London, or thereabouts, I say,

1. That Grant in the [2] page of his fifth Edition, affirmeth from observation, that 3 died of 88 per |28| an. which is near the same proportion.

2. I found that out of healthfull places, and out of adult persons, there dies much fewer, as but 1 out of 50 among our Parliament men, and that the Kings of England having reigned 24 years one with another, probably lived above 30 years each.

3. Grant, page hath shewn[3] that but about 1 of 20 die per an. out of young Children under 10 years old, and Monsr. Auzout thinks that but 1 of 40 die at Rome, out of the greater proportion of adult persons there, wherefore we still stick at a Medium to the number 30. |29|

4. In 9 Countrey Parishes lying in several parts of England, I find that but one of 37 hath died per an. or 311 out of 11507, wherefore till I see another round number,

  1. Cf. p. 506, where, by averaging more years, Petty gets a smaller population.
  2. Page 82 of the fifth ed., p. 385 of this reprint. Graunt says that 3 died out of 11 families and guesses that the families have, one with another, 8 members.
  3. Graunt makes no such assertion. Petty's proposition appears to be a guess which may find some slight support on pp. 386–387 of Graunt.